Sunday, October 09, 2005


I finished the chemo cap last night. I have to be honest and say I'm not sad it's finished. I think it would have been better if I had used the right length needles. And those round plastic stitch markers suck. It's only handmade wire ones for me from now on. The plastic ones are just too big and leave huge gaps between my stitches. Why didn't anyone warn me about those??? Anyhoo, behold!

This shows the color most accurately. (Rowan Calmer, btw)

Hopefully you can make out the cables. If not, go to Knitty and see what it's supposed to look like.

For some reason, I can't take a decent picture of this thing for the LIFE of me!! I have no idea what the problem is. Really. I've tried everything. I'm excited to be done, so I can send it to my SIL, who will hopefully get some use out of it.

I've since cast on for the Multidirectional Scarf for my ma for Christmas. Using Noro Kureyon in a cool colorway I'd never seen before. #55. Grays and browns and light pinks and earthy and pretty. Hopefully she'll like it!

Oh, and for my Secret Pal, there's a picture of me wearing a scarf out of the "Beautiful" yarn you sent me on The Wet Donkey. You can kinda see it. It is soooo soft, and didn't itch once or anything. And kept my nice and toasty. :) Love it.

That's it!


Anonymous said...

the scarf and foliage look beautiful - and congrats on getting the chemo cap done, it looks great as well. don't you love when fall comes and it's finally scarf and sweater weather? have a great week, girlie!
~secret pal o' yours

Lisa said...

Wow gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!