Monday, October 03, 2005

Secret pal love

I got my first package from my secret pal on Thursday! (I know, I'm late in posting!!) Looky what I got!

2 skeins of "Beautiful" yarn, 1 huuuuuge ball of pink/black/gold yarn from Mermaid Yarns (I think--I'm too lazy to actually get up and check), a pair of Brittany Birch size 11 needles (very nice!! thanks!!!) and homemade stitch markers--cute cute! And starbursts! yum! Thank you thank you thank you!! Totally made my day!! I've since made the Beautiful into a garter stitch scarf--it is soo ridiculously soft, it was the only thing I could think of. Plus, it's so fuzzy, I wasn't sure how well stitch definition would hold up. I would take a picture, but every single freakin battery I own is dead. So maybe tomorrow.

The girl I spoil got her package this weekend and loved it! (or so she says...) I was most worried about the CD I made for her. You know, what if she hates the songs I picked or thinks I'm weird. But she LOVED it. Hooray! She said I must be reading her mind, or our iPods are linked somehow. So, relief for me. Now to think about her next package!

I'm crusing right along with the Chemo Cap. The recipient is in the hospital right now with an infected port and dangerously low WBC count. Gives me more incentive to want to finish it super quick and get it to her ASAP. If you can squeeze one more sentence into your already packed prayers, add her to them if you can. Please. Thank you.

As I sit and think about how it's October already (and where's my acceptance letter already????) I realize I haven't started one single Christmas gift. Ack!! I really gotta get crackin'. Like, now. Like, last month. Plus, my list of things I want/need to knit keeps getting bigger. There's the Log Cabin Afghan from Mason Dixon Knitters. Leg warmers for my scrawny shins. Baby clothes for at least 2 friends who are expecting. A tie for a friend...The list is neverending!!

Then why am I sitting here?? I should be knitting!

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