Friday, September 09, 2005

Hat FO

When they say thick & quick, they mean quick! This was so super speedy to make. I can definitely see these as Christmas presents for the fam! I think I used 13s and cast on 48 and then just did 2x2 ribbing. Nice. Then for the decreases I k2tog then P2, repeat to end of row. Then K1, p2tog, repeat to end of row. Then I think I k2tog until there were only 4 or 5 stitches left then drew the yarn thru. Good thing I'm typing all this out while it's still fresh...I know I'd forget it later.

Tomorrow I am headed to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival over in Jefferson Co. I couldn't find anyone to go with me, so I'm goin' alone! Actually, I didn't really ask anyone--I didn't think any of my friends would be too interested in a festival dedicated to sheep and yarny things. But I don't mind going by myself...I can be a geeky as I want and do my own thing! I bet they'll have some gorgeous yarns there. I'll be sure to take pictures if I see anything cool!

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