Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Secret pals and impossible moms

After what felt like forever, and then not getting the original email, I finally found out who I'm spoiling! Reading through her blog, she seems like a great girl--with awesome FOs!! I'm excited to start sending her packages. And I heard from MY secret pal--who sounds super cool as well. It's kinda crazy to think that you are meeting completely random people from across the country and sending them stuff. But what a great way to make friends! God Bless the Internets!

Haven't been knitting much lately. I really gotta get a new needle for the chemo cap. My SIL starts chemo soon, and will start to lose her hair almost immediately after that. I'm sorta feeling the scoop du jour vibe coming back, but the thought of Christmas presents keeps whispering to me. I just need to get them done, then I can selfishly knit for myself all I want! I was thinking of Branching Out for my mom, but now I'm leaning more towards Clapotis. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure if she'd actually wear either of them. I don't want to waste my time on something that won't get any use. But I don't know what else to make her. She doesn't really wear hats. Mittens, maybe? But really, who wears mittens? I don't. Maybe if I'm playing in the snow, which is like, never. I hate snow. My mom is impossible to shop for. She's not girly. If she wanted something, she'd just get it herself. There are always dishcloths, which are practical, although boring. What to do, what to do....

My first orchestra rehearsal is tonite! I'm so excited! Hopefully it's not lame, even though I have a feeling it might be. I really don't know anything else about it. They don't even know that I play the flute. Should be interesting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you've heard about SP -- I think I hear tomorrow!

As for a gift for your mom, how about a simple basetweave scarf? Or you could do bracnhing out, but if you're not sure if she'd use it maybe lace isn't the right gift. Clapotis sounds like fun too.

I'm v. jealous of the orchestra you've joined!